Just kidding, we aren't so technical! If you are working on some platform that needs to play some audio to an user, for example to sell some Audio file, it's pretty awesome to show its wave form so the user will be impressed about the structure of the Audio and of what your platform can do.
You can use a tool like bbc/audiowaveform to generate peaks."A sound wave is the pattern of disturbance caused by the movement of energy traveling through a medium such as air". We recommend using pre-decoded peaks for large files (see this example). A: Since wavesurfer decodes audio entirely in the browser, large files may fail to decode due to memory constrains.Q: Does wavesurfer support large files?.
Have a question about integrating wavesurfer.js on your website? Feel free to ask in our Discussions forum. See the complete documentation of the new API. – use setOptions with the corresponding params instead. setHeight, setWaveColor, setCursorColor, etc.toggleMute is now called setMuted(true | false).exportPCM is renamed to getDecodedData and doesn't take any params.skipForward, skipBackward, setPlayEnd – can be implemented using setTime(time).loadBlob – use URL.createObjectURL() to convert a blob to a URL and call load(url) instead.drawBuffer – to redraw the waveform, use setOptions instead and pass new rendering options.getFilters, setFilter – as there's no Web Audio "backend".
xhr, drawingContextAttributes, maxCanvasWidth, forceDecode – removed to reduce code complexity. splitChannelsOptions – you should now use splitChannels to pass the channel options. skipLength – there's no skipForward and skipBackward methods anymore. scrollParent – the container will scroll if minPxPerSec is set to a higher value. responsive – responsiveness is enabled by default. renderer – there's just one renderer for now, so no need for this option. pixelRatio – vicePixelRatio is used by default. mediaType, mediaControls – you should instead pass an entire media element in the media option. backgroundColor, hideCursor – this can be easily set via CSS. autoCenterImmediately – autoCenter is now always immediate unless the audio is playing. backend, audioContext, closeAudioContext', 'audioScriptProcessor – there's no Web Audio backend, so no AudioContext. No Cursor and Playhead plugins yet – to be done. No Microphone plugn – superseded by the new Record plugin with more features. The Markers plugin is removed – use the Regions plugin with just a startTime. However, you can still connect wavesurfer to Web Audio via MediaElementSourceNode. The backend option is removed – HTML5 audio (or video) is the only playback mechanism. Most options, events, and methods are similar to those in previous versions. See this example for play around with styling. You can see which elements you can style in the DOM inspector – they will have a part attribute. However, it's still possible to style various wavesurfer.js elements via CSS using the ::part() pseudo-selector. This isolates its CSS from the rest of the web page. Wavesurfer.js v7 is rendered into a Shadow DOM tree. Spectrogram – visualization of an audio frequency spectrum. Record – records audio from the microphone and renders a waveform. Envelope – a graphical interface to add fade-in and -out effects and control volume. Minimap – a small waveform that serves as a scrollbar for the main waveform. Timeline – displays notches and time labels below the waveform. Regions – visual overlays and markers for regions of audio. The "official" plugins have been completely rewritten and enhanced: See the documentation on wavesurfer.js methods, options and events on our website. Import Timeline from types are included in the package, so there's no need to install more examples.